Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blogging Freshman

This is my first blog; therefore, I am a blogging newb, which brings us back to freshman territory. 

Some Basics:
·         I am doing this because I like fashion (obvvy) and I already have two other fashion outlets- a journal and a fashion flipbook online, so why not add a third open to the world?
·         I will probably be listening to music the Entire time I write these posts so if I get off track, that’s why
·         That was a lie, I will probably get off track all the time because my attention span is the length of a 9th grade female freshman
·         I will pretty much be going on different websites and finding cute outfits and posting them up here
·         The Fashion Flipbook page is anything I find cute, on the home page is where my comments are made on the outfits and good links and any other random stuff i decide to post, like this....
·         Expect a lot of sarcasm and few corny jokes
Great way to start right? Write?


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